The NET prepares job seekers for work by focusing on:
- Motivation for a sustainable job search
- Professional development support
- Soft skills training
- Financial literacy
- Job readiness training
- Resume preparation
- Interview preparation
- Computer use training
We offer additional placement and referral support to program graduates. Our week long program will give you the necessary pre-employment skills and will empower you toward success. As a NET program graduate, the Integrity staff will continue to coach you until you find stable employment.
- Have you been unemployed for a long time?
- Have you been unable to find a job because you don’t have the necessary job entry skills?
- Do you have difficulty reading?
- Do you lack confidence in your ability to successfully seek a job or complete job applications on-line or in person?
- Have you had trouble selling yourself in the job interview or perhaps you are just not sure of how to make yourself stand out among the other applicants.
- Do you know how to use a computer effectively in your job search?
If so, The NET is the program for you!
Sessions start every two weeks.
You can click here to apply for the next session of The NET online.
Or visit the Integrity Office at 611 Dill Avenue SW, Atlanta 30310 to fill out an application in person.
Call 404-853-1780 for more information.